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Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Merit Badge Counselor lists

Dear Scoutmaster,

Effective immediately, for your convenience, the merit badge counselor list can now be found in two places:

If your troop has a Scoutbook subscription: it is on your Troop Page in Scoutbook.
It can also be found on the council website’s merit badge counselor page:

The password for the file on the website is: GCCMBC2018

If you see errors in the list, please email

Thursday, May 3, 2018

BSA Changes

BSA Changes
Hello, Scouting families. We would like to clarify the new changes the Boy Scouts of America, Inc. will be undergoing. 

The organization's name will remain unchanged as Boy Scouts of America. 

Your local Council's name also remains unchanged as Grand Canyon Council.

Below are the program names that remain the same:
  1. Cub Scouts
  2. Venturing, BSA
  3. Exploring
  4. Learning for Life
  5. Sea Scouts

The Only program whose name is changing is
The program for youth 11-17 formally (Boy Scouts), will now be named Scouts BSA. The (BSA) in the program name is not an acronym but is necessary to distinguish the program from the generic word, "scouts" e.g., talent scouts, location scouts, Girl Scouts and countless others. 

Adventure Has a New Name: Scouts BSA
As we enter a new era for our organization, it is important that all youth can see themselves in Scouting in every way possible. That is why we’re proud to announce that Scouts BSA is the new name for the Boy Scout program. Scouts BSA perfectly represents the new, inclusive program for older Scouts that the Boy Scouts of America is proud to offer. The name change will be effective in February 2019, when Scouts BSA will begin welcoming girls and boys.

Why Scouts BSA? Because it builds on the legacy of the Scout name. The Scout meetings, Scout camp, the Scout handbook, Scouts themselves - we have more than 108 years of heritage and tradition built on the Scout name. The organization name will continue to be ‘Boy Scouts of America.’ The BSA will continue to build the future of Scouting with Scouts BSA, as we deliver character and leadership and offer a path to the rank of Eagle Scout for boys and girls.
Scout. It’s not just what I do, it’s who I am.
How Was the New Name Determined?
In February 2018, the BSA began working with an outside agency to develop naming options for the Older Girl/Youth Program. Guidelines included:

• The organization name ‘Boy Scouts of America’ will not change
• The name must be relevant to today’s youth and families
• Explore two scenarios:
o (1) Two names – keep the name ‘Boy Scout’ and come up with a name for the older girl program, or
o (2) One name – develop one name that would be used for the program that would serve both boys and girls.

After reviewing and refining a list of potential names, the BSA shared the naming options with key stakeholders, including volunteer panels, professional panels, district operations basic classes, panels of commissioners, the Boy Scout Support Committee, the Marketing Committee and the Scout Executive Marketing Advisory panel.

Each group independently came to the conclusion that a separate name for the Boy Scout program and another name for the girl program was confusing and risked communicating an incorrect assumption that the girl program was perhaps watered down or somehow different.

One Name is the Best Choice
All of the groups independently decided that the one-name scenario was the best choice. They also agreed that the best name choice was ‘Scouts’. They agreed that the name ‘Scouts’ best preserved the brand equity of the program and provided the easiest transition.
As we enter a new era for our organization, Scouts BSA perfectly represents the new, inclusive program for older Scouts.

Scouts BSA
Questions and Answers
Q: Are you changing the name of the organization?
A: No, our iconic organization name will continue to be Boy Scouts of America
Q: When will the name change be effective?
A: The scheduled launch date for Scouts BSA is February 1, 2019.
Q: What will the members of the program be called?
A: Just as today, they will be called Scouts. For example, “I’m in Scouts BSA, so I am a Scout.”
Q: Will The Boy Scout Handbook be updated to reflect the new name?
A: Yes.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


Boy Scouts of America
June 24-30 & July 1-7, 2018
Make Memories That Will Last a Lifetime at the 
Iconic Philmont Scout Ranch!
The Philmont Family Adventure is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience the Philmont Scout Ranch like never before! Open to all registered members of the BSA and their families, you will have a chance to participate in all of the incredible activities offered at Philmont and make memories with your family that will last a lifetime.
WHO:All registered members of the BSA and their families
WHERE:Philmont Scout Ranch, Cimarron, New Mexico
Week 1Week 2
Full Session6/24-6/307/01-7/07
Half Session 16/24-6/277/01-7/04
Half Session 26/27-6/307/04-7/07
Space is limited, so don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!
You can customize your adventure by choosing activities that appeal to you. Morning and afternoon programs will be offered daily, as well as day-long activities ... if you’re feeling extra adventurous!

This is different from any previous event at the Philmont Scout Ranch, and will truly be an unforgettable experience for all families in attendance.

Get more information or sign your family up now at
Prepared. For Life.
Copyright © 2018 Boy Scouts of America, All rights reserved.
Boy Scouts of America
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
Irving, TX 75038
Update preferences  |  Unsubscribe

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Varsity Triathlon

You are receiving this email because your email address was used in the past to register youth for the Coronado District Triathlon.

Just 5 weeks till race time! Please talk to your youth (boys and girls) about this year’s triathlon. Last year was a huge success and I don't want them to miss out.  Follow to see information about the race and register for this great event.

Please print out the following flyers and pass them it out to all youth leaders that you know so their youth can have an opportunity to participate in the Coronado District Jim Brinkerhoff Varsity Triathlon.


This year, we have created a Pre-Registration Instructions Worksheet. You may collect the following information before beginning registration to speed up the registration process.

Pre-Registration Instructions:
Pre-Registration Worksheet:

Please also forward this email to any male or female youth group in your organization. If you are not the leader that is now in charge, please forward this email to the current leader.


Mons Larson, Race Director

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Full Color Movement International

Full Color Movement International is a charitable organization on that is looking for volunteers to help renovate their old gymnasium where they provide luncheons/showers for the homeless.   The following project has been posted but is not getting any response.  The administrator feels this would be great for an Eagle Scout project(s), and would like to get the word out.  The actual location takes place in Phoenix, however.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Online Registration Training Resources

Units and Scouting families have asked for it, and now it is here! The Boy Scouts of America is offering online registration to select councils to meet the demand for completing the entire registration process for youth members and adult leaders.  

Grand Canyon Council is live with the online registration system. 

We have a San Tan District Online Registration System specialist who will train you and your unit leadership on the new system.  Tom McPeek requires a minimum five person training group size, so join with a neighboring unit and invite him to your troop.  He says the training sessions take 60 to 90 minutes, so bring a note pad.

You can reach Tom at

Here is a link to the online registration training page.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Council Tour Plan Requirement Terminated

A cross-functional team has completed an evaluation of the BSA's Tour and
Activity Plan, resulting in a recommendation to terminate the plan form
 effective April 1, 2017.   That does NOT mean you should not have your own
internal activity plans Units should still have their own internal plan.
There are information and checklists for planning in the unit leader
guidebooks, please follow that guidance and the guidance at the BSA Health
and Safety page:*

Yours in Scouting,

Bill Nelson  |  Advancement & Awards Committee Chairman


Grand Canyon Council # 10 
(c) 480 235-7749 

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Scout Round Table - Huddle - Forum

All are held on the 1st Thursday of the month except for June, July and December 

Cub Roundtable: 
234 N. Greenfield Road, Gilbert  ~ 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM, 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

 Boy Scout Roundtable:  
3580 E. Houston Ave., Gilbert  ~ 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM 

Varsity Huddle: 
2700 E. Guadalupe Road, Gilbert  ~ 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM 

Venture Forum: 
3572 E. Guadalupe Road, Gilbert  ~ 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Mesa All Female Venture Scout Crew - Looking for assistant adult leaders

Mesa District recently organized an all female Venture Scout Crew.  The adult Venture advisor is Sharon Kepler.  Sharon comes from a strong scouting family and her daughter is in the crew.  I came to know Sharon when we served together on Wood Badge staff August this year.

Sharon is looking for two female assistant adult leaders.  You do not need to be an experienced Venture leader, only have the desire to join and learn.  If you are interested or know someone who may be interested, please contact Sharon directly at 480-695-0499 or

They meet each week at the fire station near Main Street and Recker Road in East Mesa.


Rod Standage

Monday, February 1, 2016

Troop Leader Training

The Troop Leadership Training material have been place back on the Blog.  You can find them in the Pages section or by selecting this link:

Troop Leadership Training

Sunday, September 20, 2015



Online training courses can be completed and instructor led courses tracked at the BSA Learn Center in my.Scouting Tools.

Log onto   Training courses can be found by selecting the Home button in the upper left corner, then My Dashboard in the menu list. It will default to the My Training section which was also enhanced providing 4 new tab selections:

  • •    YPT – displays the Youth Protection training courses available.
  • •    Training Center – displays the Scouting programs containing the training courses applicable to the specific program.
  • •    Requirements – displays training courses required to become position-trained for your current registered position(s).
  • •    Completions – displays training courses that were completed.

Click on Requirements to see what training your position needs to take.


Cub Scout Leaders can take all their training online.
When a Cub Scout Leader clicks on Requirements as directed above, you will see a list of courses you need to take for your position.  

For example:  

You can take the training by clicking on the box.
The new Cub Scout training works fine with Internet Explorer 9 or later; Safari 5.1 or later; or Google Chrome 17.  Right now your best experience is with Chrome (worse experience with Firefox.)   Phones will be supported next year.